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Poverty rate:


out of the total population.


  • Sending country: About 801,000 Hondurans, or 8.35% of its population, reside abroad mainly in the US (82%), Spain (7.2%), and Mexico (2%). 

  • Destination country: Around 39,000 immigrants or 0.41% of the total population live in Honduras. The main countries of origin are El Salvador (23%), Nicaragua (20.27%), and the US (18%).

  • Transit country: Salvadoran migrants, and to a lesser extent Nicaraguan migrants and migrants from Caribbean, South American, Asian, and African countries  transit Honduras en route to the US.  

  • Host country for refugees: In October 2019, Honduras signed an agreement to be a “Safe Third Country” to receive and protect asylum seekers from Cuba and Nicaraguan seeking to reach the US.


Hover over the country where you want to know the data.

* daily data update



  • On Wednesday, September 30, 2020, hundreds of migrants of Honduran origin set out for the border with Guatemala. This caravan advances only two weeks after Guatemala reopened its borders, after keeping them closed for months to stop the spread of covid-19.

  • Several governments in the region announced that they were watching the situation: Mexico’s immigration agency said in a statement that it would enforce “safe, orderly, and legal” migration and that it would do nothing to promote the formation of a migrant caravan.

  • The Honduran ambassador to Guatemala, Mario Fortín, told journalists that that neighboring country is demanding laboratory PCR tests to guarantee that foreigners are not infected with Covid-19.

  • The United States Embassy in Honduras assured that migration to the United States was more difficult than ever at this time and more dangerous due to Covid-19. But the push factors that drive migrants from Central America have not diminished during the pandemic.

  • On October 1, 2020, more than a thousand Honduran migrants participated in a caravan that entered Guatemala irregularly. However, on October 4, 2020, Honduran Vice Foreign Minister Nelly Jerez mentioned that 1,043 migrants returned, representing 83% of the people who left in the caravan. Jerez also pointed out that the returnees “are being transferred to their places of origin by the Honduran authorities.”

  • For his part, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei assured that he repatriated 3,384 migrants from Honduras and that the Guatemalan security forces were able to "contain" the migratory exodus that, according to the president, was a factor in the spread of COVID-19.

  • On December 10, 2020, Honduran National Police personnel carried out an operation to verify negative PCR tests for Covid-19. The operation did not allow the caravan to advance. This is the same caravan that left San Pedro Sula for the United States the day before. The operation was located three kilometers from the border with Guatemala, specifically in Aguas Calientes.

*For more detail go to the digital achieve that we created:

In mid-March 2020, nearly every country on the continent declared a health emergency. These countries closed their borders and adopted a series of exceptional measures, arguing that forced immobility as a  solution to contain the virus. Following the shutdown of borders,  more than 30 researchers from the Americas, interested in analyzing the migratory question politically, organized virtually and began to consider the particular situation of millions of migrants, women, men, children and adolescents, from the continent and/or from other latitudes, all of whom are mobile and in transit.

Original Concept: Soledad Álvarez Velasco, University of Houston

General Coordination:Soledad Álvarez Velasco, University of Houston & Ulla D. Berg, Rutgers University

Research, Systematization and Development of Contents: Soledad Álvarez Velasco, University of Houston;  Ulla D. Berg, Rutgers University; Lucía Pérez-Martínez, FLACSO-Ecuador; Mónica Salmon, New School for Social Research; Sebastián León,  Rutgers University.

Coordination polyphonic map: Iréri Ceja Cárdenas: Museo Nacional/ Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro

Project Advisor: Nicholas De Genova, Universidad of Houston.

Translation team Spanish - English: 

Ryan Pinchot, Soledad Álvarez Velasco, Mónica Salmón, Ulla Berg, Luin Goldring, Tanya Basok, Ingrid Carlson, Gabrielle Cabrera, Ryan Pinchot.

Translation team Spanish - Portuguese: 

Iréri Ceja, Gustavo Dias, Gislene Santos, Elisa Colares, Handerson Joseph, Caio Fernandes, María Villarreal.

Website Design and Development:  ACHU! Studio; Francisco Hurtado Caicedo, Social Observatory of Ecuador

Photography: David Gustafsson y Cynthia Briones.

Video: David Gustafsson.

Some of the researchers of this project are members of these CLACSO Working Groups

English translation and proofreading by Gabrielle Cabrera, Rutgers University.

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